Most people have a list of people in their head that they asociate with funny. I associate Norm McDonald with all the other greats. He was on SNL the same years as Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, and David Spade. He was the green bean in the lunch lady land skit.
Most people don't remember his greatest skits but, he did a great job playing Burt Reynolds on Jeopardy with Will Ferrel. It may seem strange to write the entire blog over a celebrity that some people would not even recognize on the street, but ever since Billy Madison I can't get enough of Norm McDonald. He played a very minor role in the film, but he happened to say some of the best lines such as: Billy-"There's something I was supposed to do today." Norm- "Have seven daqueries, No, you remembered to do that." He serves as Sandler's best friend. In the scene where they are watching the news tehre is a report that Hotel tycoon's son, pays teacher off. Norm says, "Now Now, maybe it's somebody else" Then he waits for the rest of the news story like there is another Hotel tycoon's son redoing first through twelfth grade. I laugh everytime I see this part. He pauses at all the right moments. I once heard that the key to comedy is the pauses you take for the joke to disgest. Norm has mastered the art of pausing.
He is sarcastic and has a witty dry humor to him.
He had a TV show for awhile called Norm. It was cancelled after the first season, I however liked it, it was like the Drew Carrey show. He also was a writer for the T.V. show Roseanne. He will be more reacently appearing in Adam Sandler's new film Funny People, doing a cameo as he plays a comedian.
Norm grew up in Canada, but he currently resides in Canada today.